Toronto FC News
Curated Toronto FC news, rumours, and analysis from 110+ sources
The Toronto FC Aggregator home page provides an easy-to-digest snapshot of current Toronto FC news and top stories by utilizing programmatic and human curation, to prioritze content, promote local journalism, encourage a variety of topics, sources and source-types, and to limit (to some extent) redundency.
There are 3 main top-level ways to view content
HomeThe Toronto FC Aggregator home page uses a hybrid curation system to provide a user-friendly, time-saving, and more concise representative list of current Toronto FC news.
You can learn more about our approach to curation in our Help article Home Page & Curation.
UnfilteredLists all Toronto FC content, discovered and indexed by our crawler, in reverse-chronological order by date/time published. This list has more redundancy, paywall content, and multimedia, but is a great way to see ALL content in the real-world timeline.
Recently AddedLists all Toronto FC content in the order in which they were discovered and added to Toronto FC Aggregator. This is the best way to never miss a thing!